
Butchs Black Powder, Lym 02949 Butchs Bp Bore Shine 8oz

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Butch's black powder bore shine special formula dissolves fouling residue and neutralizes the corrosive acids produced by black powder.It comes from a special cleaning solvent used by the u.S.Military.Safe in all metals, factory bluing, stainless, nickel, aluminum, polymer frames, rubber, and most plastics.It removes powder, lead and plastic fouling from your black powder rifle faster than any other bore cleaner.Best of all it is odorless, non-toxic, non-flammable, biodegradable and protects against rust and corrosion.You can't find a better cleaner for black powder anywhere.

Type: Bore Cleaner
Size: 8 oz
Quantity: 1
Material: Multiple
Protects: Against Corrosion/Rust
Suitable For: Firearms
Eco Friendly: Non-Toxic, Biodegradable
Hazair: Yes
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