
Pulsar Merger Duo, Pulsar Pl77455 Merger Duo Nxp50

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The merger duo nxp50 comes with an attachable invisible 940 nm ir illuminator with adjustable spot positioning.It increases the image detail in the digital channel during a pitch-black night.Magnification is 3-24x50 thermal, 1.5-12x50 digital.The user mode function saves selected brightness and contrast settings in the device's memory providing optimal image quality for the next use of the thermal imager immediately, with no additional adjustments needed.A choice of eight colour palettes enables the user to observe their field of view more effectively, allowing them to optimise the unit for specific tasks as well as react to changing observation conditions.White hot, black hot and red hot are optimal for object detection.Rainbow and ultramarine help increase the chances of recognition & identification.Red monochrome, sepia and violet are best for extended observation at night.Built-in photo and video recorder.Includes carry case.

Resolution: 640x480, 17 Microns, 50Hz
Magnification: 3-12x
Objective: 50mm
Field Of View: 12.40 x 9.30 Degrees
Battery Size: Li-ion
Weight: 35.30 oz
Diopter Adjustment: -4/+3
Infrared Illuminator: 940nm
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