The magnum scrape-dripper keeps your scrape fresh.It drips only during the day to convince a buck that a doe favors the spot only during daylight hours.Gradually intensifies scent output to get bucks...
The magnum scrape-dripper keeps your scrape fresh.It drips only during the day to convince a buck that a doe favors the spot only during daylight hours.Gradually intensifies scent output to get bucks...
The magnum scrape-dripper combo includes a 4 oz bottle of active-scrape.Just what you need to pattern that trophy buck.Drips daytime only to get bucks to come during daytime hunting hours.Can operate...
Golden scrape is an ultra-premium doe urine with estrus secretions, combined with premium buck urine.It is enhanced with subtle tones of fresh scraped earth and territorial musk and is extremely...
Kit comes in a convenient wide mouth resealable container to hold rope scent to easily dip and re-dip the end of the rope in after it is set up.Kit includes 3-30" scent ropes, 4 fl oz golden rope...